Watch the Oasis Premier Exclusively on BikeMag

When Reed Boggs calls you up and says, "Hey, I want to build a gnarly new line in Virgin, Utah and I want you guys to film it," the logical answer is a resounding yes.

I'm not sure the conversation went exactly like that, but whatever was said between Reed and Amon Barker of Aprés Media led to an absolutely stunning film. Check out Oasis premiering exclusively right here on BikeMag.

Oasis was more than just a meeting of the minds to churn out an edit, this was a passion project for Amon, his crew, and Reed. The team got to do this exactly how they wanted with no strings attached. In a sense, it's about as pure of an expression of creativity in the sport as it gets.

With that, enjoy the latest offering from Aprés and Reed. It's a good one and we are stoked to see how far into the outdoor film festival world it will go this year.

Related: Reed Boggs Teases A New Project Set Right in his Backyard