Watch Now: Josh Burke Stars in "West Indian Wonderland"

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"West Indian Wonderland" is a beautiful postcard from Josh Burke and Barbados and it'll have you longing to take a trip to the Caribbean island.

From the landscape to the culture, and of course, the waves, Barbados is a special place, and one that Burke is lucky to call home.

Speaking of the waves, in "WIW" Burke starts by shredding one of the islands friendlier, milky green pointbreaks, before moving on to the crown jewel: Soup Bowl.

Soup Bowl, when it's on (which is rare), is the Caribbean's heaviest slab, and it's also Kelly Slater's favorite wave. Which is saying a lot.

During a massive swell a year or so back, Slater dropped everything to fly to Barbados to join Burke and a small crew of chargers for the biggest, heaviest session the island had seen in a decade, and maybe even longer.

While that day ends this clip, take the time to kick back and watch all 10-minutes. This is the best edit we've watched in awhile.


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