Watch: Nathan Florence's Secret Sumatra Sessions, Stitches, and the Injury That Stopped Slab Tour!

About a week ago we reported on Nathan Florence's elbow injury that he suffered mid-session at Secret Sumatra.

Now we've seen that squirting blood, rotten chicken bones, and a chipped elbow were all part of the experience.

That's thanks to his latest vlog that shows the full story and details of that day.

Because YouTube has marked Florence's video as "age restricted," it can't be viewed on most third party sites. So click the play button above, or check it out in full here.

Florence explained in the video: "I did a turn and blew the nose off my board, and I was like wait a second am I cut? Cause I didn't see a cut."

Then he realized he was bleeding.

"Sure enough, I'm blown open," he said.

After a trek to the local Indonesian hospital, Florence gets a chunk of fiberglass removed from his elbow that appeared to have a piece of the stringer in it.

Oh yeah, they noticed ant-covered chicken bones in the room's sink.

"Rate your comfort level on a scale from one to ten," his friend said.

Florence replied: "I'm highly uncomfortable in the slab tour hospital facility."

Florence captioned the original clip of the cut on Instagram:

So got a bit wounded! Board speared my elbow doing a turn, lol imagine that turns more dangerous then slab tour😂 trip was just getting started at @secretsumatraunfortunately had to end early as infection set in and cut had had some fiberglass in it, flew home to find out board had speared into bone fracturing it, they removed a little chip and did some cleaning...


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