Watch: Nathan Florence Goes Rogue

Nathan Florence's slab tour knows no bounds.

So, when he spots a below sea level tube in the middle of the ocean that may or may not be surfable, he always paddles out to have a crack at it. No matter how dangerous it looks.

"After several hours of driving, checking what I thought would be potentially surfable spots, I came upon a shallow reef set up far in the distance I thought had potential, so I flew my drone for a closer look," says Florence about what prompted this psycho session. "What I found was actually insane: shallow, heavy and absolutely barreling, but with very little access, big tides and narrow weather windows I had to move quick. It turned into quite the adventure."

Click play to watch Florence's very rogue adventure into uncharted waters at a marginally rideable slab in the middle of nowhere. From the sketchy entry, to the devil winds, shifty lineup and rogue cleanup sets, nothing about this session looks fun.

Of course, that's exactly the way Florence prefers it.


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