Watch Military Mom Surprise Her Sons With Homecoming Visits at Their Schools

Watch Military Mom Surprise Her Sons With Homecoming Visits at Their Schools

After a 7-month deployment, U.S. Air Force master sergeant Sha-Nia Porter was likely bursting at the seams with excitement to see her two sons, Bryce, age 5 and Blake, age 4. But the Arizona mom wanted to make her homecoming extra special by surprising the boys, and the emotional moments were all caught on video.

The Arizona mama first headed to Blake's school, where he was enjoying his first day of preschool. Porter arranged to talk to him over the intercom system. "Attention Pre-K 1," she said. "I have a special announcement for a little boy that I flew so many miles to see and to tell him how much I love him."

Porter then walked down the hall to his classroom, dancing with anticipation. As you can see in this Facebook video, as soon as Porter tapped Blake's shoulder, and he turned around to see her, they happily embraced. "Mommy!" he adorably calls out.

Don't even pretend you didn't tear up watching this sweet and well-deserved mom-and-son reunion.

"It was the best feeling ever," Porter told ABC News about reuniting with Blake. "It was the completion to know it was over and I was home."

Then Porter was ready to surprise Bryce at first grade. As you can see in another video posted to Facebook, the mom sets up a FaceTime with her son, who assumes she is still overseas. She says, "I heard you were crying today. But what if I told you didn't have to cry anymore?"

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"Where are you?" Bryce asks, and then Porter shows him the school playground she is standing on with the phone. Bryce runs out of the school to hug his mother. Yup, I'm crying again.

"I'm still overwhelmed with emotions," Porter told a few days after her homecoming. "It has been amazing being back. It feels great to be back home! They didn't let me skip a beat either. I actually packed lunches, ironed uniforms and dropped them off to school today."

Photo used with permission of Sha-Nia Porter

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She adds that she will be home for about a year. But for now, every time she walks out the door, "They get sad as if I'm leaving again." Porter tells us the boys are like her little shadows!

We're sure she doesn't mind at all.

Melissa Willets is a writer/blogger/mom. Find her on Facebook and Instagram where she chronicles her life momming under the influence. Of coffee.