Watch Miley Cyrus's Jaw-Dropping 'Midnight Sky' MTV VMAs Performance


Miley Cyrus' first live performance of "Midnight Sky" just finished at the MTV VMAs in New York City, and it was an energy-filled, powerful rendition of the song seemingly inspired by her breakup with ex-husband Liam Hemsworth. Cyrus paid reference to her "Wrecking Ball" music video, swinging on a disco ball toward the end of the performance. She dressed in black.

MTV quickly posted footage of the full performance on Twitter, which you can watch below:

Cyrus spoke on SiriusXM about what the song was about when it first came out, admitting it was more about the stigma of divorce and general relationship failure, especially placed on women.

"Actually in 'Midnight Sky,' one of the lyrics that I'd ask everyone to kind of consider and kind of think about for themselves is the idea of 'forever and ever, no more,'" Cyrus said. "You know, you asked me to kind of explain briefly what my song is about. And I think it's my relationship with the stigma. That 'forever,' if it's not successful or if you claimed something to be forever and you fail, then you're a failure. And I just don't think that. I think we're kind of set up for devastation—in that, from the time we're little kids, we're taught to claim other humans as our best friends forever. And you just don't know who you're going to be sitting with here right now. You never know who you're going to evolve to be and who they're going to evolve to be.

"So I think that we, especially as women in relationships, a lot of the time we can get villainized when 'forever' doesn't happen," she continued. "And I think that you're just really setting yourself up to kind of be disappointed—and not from a bitter or resentful way, but from a realistic and logical standpoint, especially in modern society. We're changing and evolving and understanding ourselves from such a different perspective that it just feels like forever is definitely a big word, especially for someone young, especially as three years old, we're like, 'Oh, this is my best friend forever.' It's like, 'You have no idea what Allie is going to become.'"

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