Watch and Listen: Dylan Graves Lays Unique Tracks in and Out of the Water

Dylan Graves is a man of many talents.

One of the best surfers to come out of Puerto Rico, Graves is also a skilled TV host, artist, editor, and apparently, a musician as well. It’s why his career has already spanned multiple decades.

OK, so making beats on a Casio keyboard doesn’t exactly classify him as a musician, but you get the point. Graves is an uber-creative guy, and it’s been fun watching him use his new YouTube as an outlet for his ideas. Like this one: Laying beats from a Casio keyboard over his recent clips at Snapper Rocks, where he’s recently relocated with his wife.

Click play above to watch the creative 3-minute clip, and then head over to his YouTube to watch his last few adventures. The recent trips to the 7-Ghosts in Indonesia and The Surf Lakes in Oz are not to be missed.


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