Watch: A Lesson in Style From Three Eccentric Aussies

The "Fun Boys Second Summer Of Love" is a 16-minute short featuring Dave Rastovich, Creed McTaggart, and Wade Goodall surfing up and down the east coast of Oz during the 2020/2021 Covid lockdowns, which just happened to coincide with one of the better runs of surf in recent memory.

"Let this transport you back to simpler times," writes the description alongside this film. "A time when the surf pumped almost non stop for about 6 months, a time when Creed was experimenting with comically large Dahlberg's and making them look weirdly functional, and a time when the session of all sessions went down, which you'll see for yourself if you make it to the end."

Making it to the end is a must. While the full clip is worth a watch, the last section makes the entire film. It's from a day when Covid lockdowns and travel restrictions forced Creed, Rasta and Wade to stick around home for a swell (rather than chase it elsewhere), and they were rewarded with empty perfection at a point that rarely gets this good. It's five minutes of great style, defined. Like the first commenter on YouTube writes: "Last five minutes on repeat. Poetry."


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