Watch: Who Knew There’s a Thriving Surf Scene in Montana?

Dylan Graves is passionate about surfing weird waves.

But it's not just the weirdness of the waves that attracts and inspires Graves, it's the thriving surf scenes and communities these fringe waves create. Whether that's way up a river in Indonesia, in the Great Lakes, or thanks to calving glaciers, Graves is determined to find and shine a light on these waves and the passionate surfers that ride them.

This past spring, Graves got a hot tip about a surf scene way out in...Montana. So, of course, he had to check it out.

"Surfing in Montana? YES, come on... it's 2023 you can surf anything now people," Graves writes in the description alongside this very good edit. "In this video, we dive deep into the world of surfing in a place known more for its mountains and big skies than its epic surf breaks.

"Join us as we experience the camaraderie and infectious energy of the surf community in Montana. Meet the dedicated surfers who have created a tight-knit group that shares a deep love for the sport and the state they call home. Discover the unique challenges they face, adapting traditional surf techniques to suit river conditions while keeping safety a top priority. Get ready to witness the unlikely surf scene that has captured the imagination of surfers and outdoor enthusiasts around the world.

"WARNING: this video might tempt you to grab a board and join the Montana surf tribe. Hit that play button and prepare to be transported to the unlikely surf scene of Montana – where life's greatest adventures are found where you least expect them."


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