Watch: Who Knew the Mediterranean Has Slabs Like This?

A few weeks back, a North Atlantic storm named Aline whipped up strong winds and torrential rain throughout Portugal, France and Spain.

While most hunkered down, surfers did the exact opposite: They scoured swell charts and wind maps, and then headed out in search of slabs all throughout Europe, including in places where they don't often exist.

"We're back on the road chasing what storm Aline has best to offer between the Mediterranean Sea and Hossegor," writes Quivront in the description of his latest YouTube episode. "On the menu we're lucky to have found a shallow left slab in the Med featuring Kyllian Guerin and Sam Piter, and perfect sand-bottom drainers at home in Hossegor."

In the edit above, Quivront and friends tackle a rare, heavy left slab in the Med, before racing back home to catch the clean-up in Hossegor. While the spitting tubes they score at home are far superior to the Med slabs from the day prior, there's something about a novelty session at a wave that might not break for another few years that always sticks with you as a surfer.

Click play to re-live a swell that Quivront will surely be thinking about for awhile.


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