Watch Jennifer Garner Take You Inside Her Mammogram Appointment for Breast Cancer Awareness

Watch Jennifer Garner Take You Inside Her Mammogram Appointment for Breast Cancer Awareness Garner shared an Instagram video of herself getting her annual mammogram for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. "Every October I have a standing date for a mammogram," she captioned the video. "For me, having the appointment on the books makes it routine, like the dentist," Garner wrote. "I know it's scary, sisters, but just do it— the next best thing to an all-clear is early detection," she added. Garner doesn't entirely hide her discomfort but reassures viewers that mammograms really aren't as bad as they may seem. "Okay, your mammogram looks perfect," her doctor says, and they both give a thumbs-up to the camera. While mammograms are no one's idea of a good time, they are necessary. As Garner said, it may be a little scary, but you'll be glad you made the appointment.