Watch: Jackson Dorian's Salina Cruz Score (Part 2)

Last week Jackson Dorian dropped a clip from the first few days of a trip to Salina Cruz while chasing a big south swell. This is the second edit from the same strike, which highlights the middle portion of his trip. While he's still teasing the big swell and pumping tubes (likely coming in the next episode), this clip continues Dorian's ripping rampage on Salina's perfect points.

When asked by pops if he's acclimating to the 100 degree weather after a week in Mex, Dorian responds: "No way. I could live here for 20 years and never get used to it. It's gnarly. But at least the waves are good."

In the YouTube comments, people are loving young Dorian's surfing:

"Currently seeing a blend of his pops, young Slater, and especially shades of Ethan Ewing in his style."

"Damn, you're surfing really well! I think the longer board is good for you and your style. People ride boards that are way too small and it shows in their style. Keep it up!"

"Nice flow young man. Making Dad proud."

Look out for Part 3 next week. Judging from the photos Dorian's used to tease the first two episodes, it looks like he's saved the best for last.


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