Watch: Ian Crane Levels Up in Puerto Rico

Before Ian Crane injured his ankle he was everywhere. From following "Maps to Nowhere" to striking swells in Puerto Rico, Crane was stacking trips and stacking clips.

So, while Crane has been laid out for a few months recovering from injury, you'd never know it. Between his pre-injury scores and the "Crane Brain" B Sides he's been dropping every few weeks on YouTube, we've been treated to more Crane content than ever.

Crane is undoubtedly one of the best (if not the best) freesurfers in the world right now. From the tube to the air to the rail, Crane doesn't have any weakness in his surfing. He also has that rare ability to keep us guessing every time he takes off. While a lot of surfers telegraph their next move, Crane coils up and unloads something unique on every section. Click play above for an impressive curation of clips from Puerto Rico. In this 3 minute edit, no two waves are surfed the same.


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