Watch Huge Tiger Shark Cruise Through Lineup Full of Surfers in Waikiki

It's "Sharktober" in Hawaii.

A couple of weeks ago, a Kauai surfer was attacked by a 12 to 15-foot tiger shark while surfing Hanalei Bay. He survived, underwent three surgeries, and is looking at a year-long recovery.

Just days ago, a juvenile tiger shark bit a surfer from Spain on the thigh during a session at Pua'ena Point on the North Shore. More shark sightings around Oahu followed, like the one below.

On Saturday, a tiger shark cruised through a packed lineup at the popular Waikiki surf spot, Queen's.

Hawaii News Now (HNN) reporter Keahi Tucker posted the clip above yesterday and captioned it:

"Look out for sharks on Oahu's South Shore. A big tiger swam right through the lineup today at Queens! Photo credit: @nick.oahu"

The video shows drone footage of the tiger slowly cruising through the clear water of Waikiki not far from surfers.

Surfer Jelene Sanidad, "who had no idea she was surfing with a big fish until lifeguards zoomed over on jetskis," spoke to HNN.

"Everybody in the lineup was like putting their feet up on their boards and paddling around and it was huge," she said. "I was shocked that it was right below me. I was completely oblivious to it. I knew it was there but didn't realize it was right below me."

But there were more.

"We're told there were at least three shark sightings just today, and numerous others in recent days," Tucker said.

He continued:

"Historically, October is the month with the highest number of confirmed shark incidents in Hawaii, it's because this is when pregnant females migrate down from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands to pup and mate around the main islands."

For the full report watch the video below:


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