Watch Gus Kenworthy Get Set On Fire, Literally, on New Reality Show

Gus Kenworthy
Gus Kenworthy

From the Olympics to daredevil reality television, professional skier Gus Kenworthy is gearing up for the adventure of a lifetime on Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.

The brand-new reality competition from Fox sees "16 celebrity contestants battle through a set of emulated special forces training challenges" as "they are removed from society and the staff sergeants control everything within the camp."


Credited as the "ultimate celebrity social experiment," Kenworthy is just one of the 16 celebrity contestants. The rest of the cast runs the gambit of celebs and reality TV stars such as Jamie Lynn Spears, Montell Jordan, Dwight Howard, and Mel B.

The new trailer inexplicably opens with Kenworthy getting set on fire. We also get glimpses of the other celebs doing drills in the desert, jumping out of helicopters backward, walking tightropes from unbelievable heights, driving through what look like war zones, and so much more.

Tears, vomiting, and jaw-dropping stunts. What more could you want?!

Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test premieres January 4 on Fox. Watch the trailer below.

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