Watch: The Guinness World Record for Biggest Wave Ever Kitesurfed

One year ago, history was made at Jaws.

Maui native and pro kitesurfer Patri McLaughlin soared into a humungous wave at his home island’s premier big-wave surf spot, Pe’ahi, and into the record books.

The wave was deemed 72 feet, 4 inches – enough for the Guinness World Record.

But McLaughlin’s record-breaking ride almost didn’t happen. He was hospitalized right before it went down for an emergency medical procedure, which saw him untrained and unprepared.

Nonetheless, when the swell hit, McLaughlin rose to the occasion.

Remembering that ride from a year ago, McLaughlin shared the story:

“One year ago on January 22nd, 2023 I caught this wave. I knew then that it was the biggest wave I’ve ever caught, and probably the biggest wave ever kited. I woke up this morning January 22nd, 2024 exactly one year later to an email that I am now the official Guiness World Record holder for the biggest wave ever kitesurfed. It was measured at 72 ft 4 inches.

“This whole session shouldn’t have happened either. I had an emergency appendectomy surgery four weeks before the swell. I spent 2 night in the hospital and I hadn’t kited or trained at all since the operation. I couldn’t pass up on the biggest swell buoy numbers that I’d ever seen in my life, and I’m glad that I went for it.

“Thanks to anyone that has ever supported me. This feels like the biggest accomplishment of my professional career.”

While kitesurfing is a not-so-distant cousin of traditional surfing, in tow surfing, the Guinness World Record for largest wave surfed belongs to German Sebastian Steudtner.

He, too, recently reflected on that wave, which clocked in at 86 feet and went down in 2020 at Nazaré, Portugal.

“Three years ago today we defined what’s possible, biggest wave ever surfed, world record, history made,” Steudtner wrote.

How ‘bout this season? With crazy swell in the water, fueled by an active El Niño pattern, it’s been pretty historic, in terms of swell. New world records on the horizon?


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