Watch Griffin and Crosby Colapinto Dominate the Meo Pro Portugal

Going into Finals Day in Portugal, Griffin and Crosby Colapinto were matched up on opposite sides of the draw.

Only three comps into Crosby's career, and the two brothers had a chance to compete in a final together? You know that's been the dream since they were in grade school sketching waves and surf logos inside their notebooks.

Unfortunately, it just wasn't to be. And least not yet. While Griffin went on a rampage and won the whole damn comp, Crosby was knocked out in the quarters by an in-form Ethan Ewing.

In the edit above, the latest from the Cola Bros, we get all of the behind-the-scenes action that you just cant get on the webcast as the Cola bros marched through the comp. Consider this your post CT, supplemental entertainment. While much of the edit is from the fly-on-the-wall POV perspective at the actual comp, there's also pre-event freesurfs, team yoga, dancing to Michael Jackson, and more. The Cola Bros really let us inside their world, and with each new vlog, we become even bigger fans.


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