Watch: The G-Skate Is the Swiss Army Knife of Surfboards

The G-Skate — a collaboration between Britt Merrick from Channel Islands and the Gudauskas brothers — is a unique design that, at first glance, looks like a groveler.

It's not.

Rather, the G-Skate is designed with all sorts of waves in mind — from a 2-foot beachbreak to a 6-foot slab in Indonesia.

"The goal of the G Skate project between the G Bros and Britt was to create something fresh feeling that turned well in good surf but skated with ease through the not-so-good stuff," says Channel Islands. "There was one major stipulation during its development: the G Skate had to still perform at the highest levels possible. They achieved this by shortening their typical shortboard rail line by 5” and adding curves and contours in key places that would keep them on top of the water and not hinder their turns in any way. Adding a 2 + 1 (twin plus trailer) fin set-up tied the whole concept together."

In the edit above, watch Parker Coffin, Cam Richards, Tai Buddha, Charly Quivront, Miguel Tudela, Kian Martin, Ryuki Waida and Ketut Agus put the G-Skate through the paces at waves like Keramas, Macaronis and Desert Point.

Like the swiss army knife of surfboards, the G-Skate is certainly a contender if you're looking for a surfboard model that you can ride in pretty much everything.

This edit is proof of that.


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