Watch Future Service Dogs Play, Eat, and Grow in Real Time with This Adorable Puppy Cam

Household pets have been a godsend for millions of Americans who have found themselves confined to their homes as they ride out the coronavirus pandemic.

Fortunately, thanks to live-streaming technology, even those without pets can experience the mood-boosting benefits of having a furry companion. Or, better yet, a whole litter of them!

This week, national nonprofit Canine Companions for Independence launched a live puppy-cam to fulfill all your adorable needs. The organization is inviting us all to watch a litter of five-week-old future assistance dogs as they play, eat, sleep, and grow in the hopes of spreading a little joy.

“Over the next few weeks, join us from wherever you may be at and learn what the first stage of life is like for a future assistance dog,” the organization said in a news release. “Trust us—it's sure to brighten your day!”

Like all the Canine Companions’ assistance dogs, these adorable yellow labs will be trained in more than 40 commands before they are matched with disabled children, adults, and veterans free of charge.

These future heroes will be trained to assist with daily tasks such as retrieving dropped items, opening and closing doors and drawers, turning on and off lights, and a whole lot more. It’s a two-year, round-the-clock process that starts at puppyhood—when they’re not sleeping!

“Even in uncertain times, Canine Companions’ mission is still in motion,” the news release states. “There are over 400 people with disabilities waiting to be matched with a Canine Companions assistance dog.”