Watch the Evolution of the Douchebag Over the Years

Photo credit: YouTube / Circa Laughs
Photo credit: YouTube / Circa Laughs

From Men's Health

Douchebags: we all know 'em. But while it's hard to remember a time when douchebags didn't style their hair in manbuns while vaping, there have been many decades of douchebaggery, and many styles of the all-too-common douchebag.

Circa Laughs styled a model to look like a douchebag from every decade since the '40s (although I'm sure there's a douchebag style from much, much earlier decades), and it pretty much hits the nail on the head. By the end, you'll probably be reminded of all the times you hoped That One Douchey Guy doesn't come to the party tonight.

(H/T Digg)

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