Watch Dr. Pimple Popper Pop Out 'Brown Rice' Blackheads

Photo credit: Silvia Elena  Castañeda Puchetta  / EyeEm - Getty Images
Photo credit: Silvia Elena Castañeda Puchetta / EyeEm - Getty Images

From Men's Health

  • In a new Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper pops a duo of blackheads with contents that look like grains of brown rice.

  • The blackheads are seriously compacted, leading Dr. Lee to nick them before extraction to help loosen the material.

  • A blackhead is a single pore filled with dead skin and oil, which forms a black “head” when exposed to air.

In a new Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper—aka dermatologist and TLC host Dr. Sandra Lee, MD—pops a duo of classic blackheads. But the contents of these seemingly normal skin concerns may just remind you of tiny grains of brown rice. It looks like it’s time to change your dinner plans...

In the short clip, Dr. Lee pokes the two blackheads with a scalpel to loosen the compacted contents. This gives the dead skin and oil festering inside an avenue of escape. The famed dermatologist then presses down on the blackheads with her comedone extractor, forcing out the contents with a wiggle.

“That’s where brown rice comes from,” one fan commented on the clip. And truly, the gunk inside the blackheads does look remarkably like small grains of rice.

A blackhead is a single pore filled with dead skin and oil, which forms a black “head” when exposed to air. The lighter material seen in this clip is actually the same material as the "head," only this skin and oil hasn't been exposed to air. That's where the brown rice comparison comes into play.

Watch the satisfying duo of extractions below:

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