Watch Dr. Pimple Popper Pop a 'Rushing Waterfall' Chin Cyst

Photo credit: Grant Ordelheide / Aurora Photos - Getty Images
Photo credit: Grant Ordelheide / Aurora Photos - Getty Images

From Men's Health

  • In a new Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper pops a chin cyst that opaque gushes goop.

  • The chin cyst is "broken down," according to Dr. Lee, leading it to flow out of the incision like a waterfall.

  • The growth featured in this video is likely an epidermoid cyst, which is often filled with skin cells and keratin.

If you love the majestic qualities of a rushing waterfall, this pop is for you. In a new Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper—aka, dermatologist and TLC host Dr. Sandra Lee, MD—pops a chin cyst that gushes a waterfall of gunk. It’s truly something to behold.

In the clip, Dr. Lee uses a scalpel to make an incision into the cyst. The growth wastes no time releasing a waterfall of clear fluid from the small incision. This fluid is likely numbing liquid injected prior to the procedure.

As Dr. Lee squeezes with her fingers, opaque cyst goop quickly begins to rush out of the incision.“There’s stuff in there,” Dr. Lee tells the patient as she squeezes. “It’s like a broken down cyst.”

After a few more squeezes, the famed derm adds, “Gosh, you were storing some stuff in there!” This pop is clearly entertaining for Dr. Lee. She even puts the pops in slow motion for good measure.

The growth featured in this video is likely an epidermoid cyst. This type of cyst — which is often filled with skin cells and keratin — commonly occurs on the face, neck, and back. Besides often being cosmetically undesirable, epidermoid cysts can be easily irritated and tender, making removal an appealing option.

Watch the waterfall removal below:

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