Watch: “Dangerously Fun”, or Just Straight Dangerous?

You'd think that at some point, Mason Ho and Sheldon Paishon would get tired of risking life and limb riding waves over dry reef in Hawaii.

But, no.

"Another dangerously fun day surfing with Mason Ho & Sheldon Paishon," writes filmer Rory Pringle in the description with this clip. "Today the waves were closer to reef then usual so Shell doggy takes a new approach and brings his Rip Curl booties. After riding a wave he ditches them and goes back to the usual no wetsuit, no booties, all reef cuts."

When Pringle says closer to the reef than usual, he's not kidding. These waves are literally tubing over a dry shelf of craggy lava. Every wave is a gamble, and every fall equals a trip to the reef...and a new cut.

After a few waves and a few new nicks, the pair decides the risk is in fact not worth the reward, so they pack up and head elsewhere for a much safer surf at a weird left rip bowl.

Ho and Paishon are still the undisputed kings of finding marginally rideable waves on the most wave rich island in the world.

And it's not even close.


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