Watch Chris Hemsworth Hilariously Try to 'Figure Out' Fitness Equipment

Photo credit: Chris Hemsworth - Instagram
Photo credit: Chris Hemsworth - Instagram

From Men's Health

Chris Hemsworth’s workouts may lead to insane results, but not without a little humor along the way. In a recent Instagram clip, Chris Hemsworth "tests out" a bunch of fitness equipment, and has some interesting ideas on how to use the gear.

“Just going through some workout equipment for Extraction training,” Hemsworth captioned the clip. A task that sounds normal enough for the buff actor soon turns positively bonkers.

In the video, a friend who is filming asks Hemsworth what he thinks of a new delivery of workout gear. And that's when the actor gets a little batty.

“The skipping ropes are a bit big,” Hemsworth says, pickup up a long conditioning rope and trying to use it as a jumprope. The workout variation goes about as well as you’d expect, with the rope refusing to make any sort of jumprope-like movement.

Hemsworth then moves on to a ten pound medicine ball, saying, “The basketballs, they are way too heavy and they don’t bounce too much.” Tough break.

Picking up a long ab roller, Hemsworth says, “I don’t know where the rest of the go-kart is. There should be two more wheels and a seat and a steering wheel.” Finally, Hemsworth plays perplexed by sliders, testing them out as frisbees and headphones before giving up.

Hemsworth is starting training for the sequel to the Netflix action-thriller Extraction, in which he stars. The first Extraction film, which was released in late-April, features Hemsworth as a black ops mercenary on a mission to rescue an Indian drug lord's kidnapped son.

While the film’s sequel is likely equally as intense as the first, a training of go-karts, jumprope, and frisbees does sound like a good time.

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