Watch BTS Shut Down SNL with "Boy with Luv"

The show's first K-pop band is also its best musical performance in years.

On Saturday, BTS took the stage as SNL's musical guest, marking the first time ever that a K-pop band appeared on the show. And there's no better band to break that barrier than BTS, probably one of the biggest musical acts in the world right now with one of the most dedicated fan bases. Some fans were even camped outside of 30 Rockefeller Plaza since Monday to make sure they could get inside, and the video for the debut performance of their new single, "Boy with Luv," already has more than 1.5 million views on YouTube as of this writing.

It's not hard to see why. The song, like many the band puts out, is catchy as hell, and the choreography is tight and kinetic, filling every inch of the snug SNL stage. And they're already scheduled for another huge performance at next month's Billboard Music Awards, this time joined by Halsey, who appears on the studio version of "Boy with Luv." In the meantime, you're just going to have to drool over this.