Watch Bruno Santos Backdoor This Slab at Maxed Out Desert Point

10 years ago, if you wanted a post-surf beer Indonesia, you had one choice: Bintang.

Not anymore.

Thanks to Mattia Di Bitonto's vision (and a ton of hard work), Island Brewing was born a few short years ago, and it quickly became the go-to beer in Bali and beyond.

At the beginning of this Indonesian season, Island Brewing decided to make a surf film, called "Foamdance", which you can watch in its entirety above.

"Together with some of Bali's best shapers, we built an epic quiver of 10 dream surfboards designed to be ridden around the archipelago," says the description alongside the film. "Inspired by coral reef, the quiver was hand painted by friend and artist Lee Wilson, then finished off with glass-on fins, the old-school way. We called up some crew to join us on a few surf missions, on-island and beyond. Luckily we've got a bunch of mates who rip."

Like Bruno Santos. A hard charging underground Brazilian, who packs one of the biggest tubes we've ever seen at Desert Point towards the end of the film.

Click play above for Santos' wild slab, and a whole lot more.


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