Watch: The Biggest Waves in New Jersey History

Unlike the mid-Atlantic and Florida, New Jersey doesn't have a continental shelf. Deep water runs close to shore, allowing a swells true energy to reach the beach.

The thing is, 16 feet at 14 seconds with west winds just doesn't happen along the eastern seaboard. Maybe once every decade, or three.

So, the Dec 18 south swell was truly historic.

"Best ever day in Jersey??," ponders the Numb Skulls crew in the description with this clip. "Definitely in the conversation. One claim though we are totally comfortable throwing around was definitely the biggest surf I’ve ever seen here. Some of the heaviest too. While I definitely saw empty waves as big and perfect as you can ask for at a beach break it was definitely a challenge with the size of the waves, the outgoing tide all day and the 14 sec period. None the less, having the rare opportunity to experience energy like that so close to home made for a really memorable day. Stoked to get after with a good crew of young east coast chargers!"

While you've almost certainly seen the clips on Insta (NJ's been the center of the surfing universe the last few days), this is the best and most realistic look at the day that we've seen released so far. Starting with a FaceTime call with Rob Kelly while he loses his mind during the morning wind switch, and ending with one of the most impressive tubes we've ever seen on the east coast, this is an edit you don't want to miss.

After all, it might be another 30 years before we see something similar.


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