Watch: Biggest Wave Ever Surfed on a Skimboard?

Skimboarding in big waves is a niche genre.

Not many dudes are out there doing it. However, one of them is Brazilian skimboarder Lucas Fink, who has been in Nazaré, Portugal recently as the season kicks off.

And he just rode an absolute monster…perhaps even something for the record books.

There’s no official measure on this wave – at least not yet. But by the looks of it, it’s gotta be up there as one of the biggest waves ridden out at Nazaré ever, period. Regardless of with fins or without. It’s a certified giant.

In terms of size, it’s definitely bigger than Brad Domke’s crazy, Ride of the Year nominee from 2015 at Puerto Escondido. Although that wave was heavy in a different way – not just a sloping peak, but more so a wall of bone-breaking ocean unloading on the sand.

As for how Fink does it, and advice for anyone looking to surf (or skimboard Nazaré), SURFER’s Travel Editor Evan Quarnstrom caught up with the Brazilian skimboarder recently; here’s a few tips:

“Know what you are getting yourself into. It’s such a big challenge.

“If you are not 110% sure of what you want, you may get out there and be in for a shock. It’s just a reality check when you arrive there. You need to be sure.

“YouTube videos don’t do justice. You have to go out there on a really big day and see it from the cliff with your own eyes. Once you see it from the cliff I would recommend hitting up Nazaré Water Fun. They can take you in the water so you can see the waves up close and personal. Then you can really see what you are getting yourself into.”


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