Watch Actress June Diane Raphael Try to Guess Iconic Movie and TV Show Sets

From House Beautiful

Some movie ant TV sets are so iconic you'd know them anywhere—but what if the actors were blurred out? In our new Name That Frame game, we put actress and comedian June Diane Raphael to the test. We show her stills of films and shows spanning a variety of genres. For every correct answer, she gets a point. But when she gets one wrong, she has to answer a question from us. As she expertly guesses, she reminisces about shows that she’s acted in and ones that she has fond memories of binge-watching. Play along with Raphael above, and read on for her answers to our questions.

Which three comedians have you learned from the most?

Oh, this is so easy. So the three comedians I’ve learned the most from and I watch and study are Lucille Ball, of course, the most formative performance for me, and I watched every single episode as a child. Lily Tomlin, of course. And then I would probably say Madeline Kahn. And I would also put Catherine O'Hara on there, too.

What’s a movie you are dying to discuss on your podcast?

The curation process for our podcast, I have nothing to do with. There’s nothing that I’m dying to see next—I basically do this podcast under duress. The movies I like doing on the podcast are the Fast and Furious movies cause they’re at least movies. But the rest, you know, there’s certainly nothing on my bucket list.

If you could change one thing about your house, what would it be?

So what I would change about my house right now is I would add a pool. And I know that’s not in the house, but that would be the big investment I would make. I love, love, love my house. I’m very comfortable here. We have a wonderful home. But I am at home with the children a lot of the day right now, and I do feel like I’d like to run them out like a pack of dogs in the pool to just simply tire them!

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