Watch: This Is What 25 Feet at 20 Seconds Looks Like at Mavericks

Luca Padua surfed Mavericks for the first time at 13-years-old.

In 2020, when he was 18, we interviewed him about his passion for the wave. That day, he told us: "I love putting myself in dangerous, scary positions, because that turns into adrenaline, and that adrenaline just makes me want to huck it on big waves. It comes down to preparation. I train so hard for every situation that I guess it makes me confident I can always get myself out. I dunno. I haven't been in a position yet where I was terrified, to be honest. I've been uncomfortable for sure, especially taking a 30-footer on the head. But this is truly what I love to do. Even without the media or the sponsors I'd still be chasing what I'm chasing now."

A few years later, and that chase has only picked up steam. So, when an El Nino fueled swell marched toward Mavs last week, he was ready for whatever the wave threw his way.

25 feet at 20 seconds? Dark skies? South winds? No worries.

In the edit above, Padua (alongside his psycho friends) tackle XXL Mavs at its meanest. While it might seem reckless, these guys spend every waking hour preparing for days like this. Padua especially. He's been training three times a day (with Laird Hamilton no less) for the last 5+ years.

Click play to watch all that hard work pay off.


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