Want to teach your dog to settle more? This dog trainer shows one simple trick to try at home

 Puppy snuggling up on owner who is working on a laptop
Puppy snuggling up on owner who is working on a laptop

There is nothing nicer than the way a dog greets its owner when they come through the door or how it feels to have a pup come snuggle up to you. However, there is having an affectionate dog and then there is having an overly attached pooch or one that finds it impossible to sit still.

If you’ve ever had your dog follow you into the bathroom then you’re probably familiar with this kind of canine behavior and want to put a stop to it. While you can use some short-term solutions, such as keeping your pooch occupied with one of the longest lasting dog chews from our guide, you should also be training your dog to settle down when told to.

Fortunately, the dog trainers at K9 Summit Training have revealed on Tiktok a helpful trick for teaching your pup to settle down on their own. They explain that allowing your dog to follow you everywhere is only teaching them to develop an unhealthy dependence on you.

Want to find out their solution? Check out their video below…

So, according to the experts at K9 Summit Training, "Tethering is a great way to let a puppy learn on their own how to settle/calm their mind." Tether time is designed to be a relaxation and settling exercise for lively pups. Essentially, it involves fastening your dog to something stationary and leaving them on their own.

"You’ll need a bite-proof line, anchor, and patience. Set up a camera if you’re able and go out of sight but stay relatively nearby for safety," they explain, "Your pup will most likely whine, pace and pant, but just wait them out, ensuring you pay them zero attention for the ‘tantrum’. Wait and see what happens!".

In the video, the dog (named Trustee) that they demonstrate the tethering technique on is trying this out for the first time. Most dogs will almost definitely appear restless and needy at first but in the case of Trustee, after thirty minutes he is laying down resting his head on his hands looking calm, happy, and relaxed.

One dog owner left a comment asking if this trick would work on an older dog. "Would this work to backtrack on a dog that is older and has this dependence?", to which the trainers at K9 Summit Training respond, "Yes absolutely".

It may seem cruel to tie your dog up to something and leave them but this short period of tough love could lead to them being a much calmer and better-behaved dog in the long run. It's important to note, that this won't work for every dog. If you're looking for more solutions, you can read this vet's advice on how to calm a dog down during periods of high anxiety.