We Want To See The Most Infuriating Texts You've Actually Received From Your Landlord

Say it with me: Landlords are the worst.


Sorry not sorry to landlords everywhere. Y'all suck fr.

Everyone who has ever rented an apartment or house knows this. It feels like things have gotten even worse as landlords have gotten more casual and started texting tenants. Like...I don't want to hear from you unless it's an emergency.


But this isn't about me. It's about you. I want to see all your worst texts from your landlords. Did they text you to give you an FYI for work being done on the apartment (good) but COMPLETELY downplay it (bad)?

Did they use your personal information from your lease/rental application to illegally figure out information?

Did they evict you VIA TEXT in the middle of a pandemic?

Did they constantly text you for little things, like (checks notes) an...upside-down planter on your balcony?

Or did they just give you unnecessary attitude at every turn?

Submit the most frustrating texts from your landlord — with context if necessary — in the comments below and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

You can also describe the texts, but please no simply annoying landlord stories that don't involve texts — save those for other posts! Oh, and please blur/cover names and numbers for privacy.