Want a screen free summer? Here are 20 outdoor activities to consider

Nick Troutman does a head stand as Kathy Summers watches during the Outdoor Retailer’s Open Air Demo at Jordanelle State Park Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012. Paddle boarding can be a good way to spend some time outdoors this summer.
Nick Troutman does a head stand as Kathy Summers watches during the Outdoor Retailer’s Open Air Demo at Jordanelle State Park Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012. Paddle boarding can be a good way to spend some time outdoors this summer. | Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News

The average adult picks up their phone 58 times a day — and spends three hours and 15 minutes on their phone daily, according to a survey reported on by The Guardian.

Since phones are a way to communicate with family and connect with friends, it may not be realistic to give them up entirely. But there’s likely some room to use phones less and spend more time outside.

Spending more time outdoors this summer — and less time on screens — may have some positive benefits, including more exercise, more vitamin D, decreased stress and better sleep, per Web MD.

Here are 20 outdoor activities to consider this summer.


1. Garden and mow the lawn.

Starting a garden can be a great way to spend more time outside. Consider doing other lawn maintenance like mowing the grass and weeding.

2. Go for a hike.

Hikes don’t have to be an all day affair — they can become part of a daily routine. Find a couple trails near you to explore on a regular basis.

3. Go swimming.

Swimming can help you to stay cool while also getting some exercise. There may be hours at your local pool dedicated for swimming, or if you live near a lake or an ocean, there may be roped off areas you can swim in.

4. Play a sport.

Find a recreational sports league and start playing your favorite sport again. Many towns have adult recreational sports like soccer or lacrosse that you can play. Consider starting up a neighborhood league if you can’t find one near you.

5. Go fishing.

Fishing can help you enjoy the quiet and peace of nature. Look at your local fishing regulations before you head out.

6. Go golfing.

Whether you’re a fan of golfing or mini-golfing, this can be a fun activity to do with friends or family. If you don’t want to go to a course, you can make your own in your backyard.

7. Have a campfire.

Depending on your area’s regulations, consider having a campfire at night. You can tell stories, dance and play music around the fire.

8. Go rock climbing.

With the proper gear and preparation, rock climbing can be a fun activity. If you’re a beginner, find someone who is experienced to help show you the ropes.

9. Play catch.

Playing catch with a football or baseball and glove can be an easy way to get some movement outside.

10. Go biking.

There are lots of different kinds of bike trails — from mountain bike trails to trails running through suburban towns. Find a trail at your comfort level and start biking.

11. Play with a flying disc.

With Frisbees and other flying discs, you can play all sorts of games like disc golf or tag or regular catch.

12. Try rollerskating.

Rollerskating isn’t just for the rinks. Find a safe trail where you can rollerskate, while wearing the proper gear to stay safe.

13. Star gaze.

Instead of scrolling on your phone before bed, try star gazing. Going outside and looking at the stars for a while before going back inside to sleep can be a way to calm your mind.

14. Picnic.

Prepare a picnic and eat outside. Before and after eating, you can play games outside as well to get some movement in.

15. Do yoga outside.

Local parks will often have outdoor yoga classes that you can try.

16. Canoe or kayak or paddle boat on a lake.

Get a couple of family members or friends together to take out a canoe or kayak or paddle boat onto a serene lake.

17. Walk around a downtown area.

If you live in the city, walking around the downtown area and window shopping is a great way to get some movement in.

18. Hula hoop outside.

Hula hoops are sold at a lot of different department stores — get one and use it outside for a while.

19. Play jump rope games.

Remember those elementary school jump rope games? A lot of them were great exercise. Try incorporating jump rope into your outdoor activity options.

20. Make an outdoor obstacle course.

If you and your family or friends are looking for something out of the box to do, design an obstacle course outside and see who can get the fastest time.