If You Want to Save Money on Your Wedding, Don't Book This Day or Time

Wedding season has been widely known to be around June and September because of warm weather, but there's been a recent shift. In fact, according to a study by Priceline, wedding season has grown to be all-year long. Rather than tying the knot during the popular months of June, August, September, or October, more couples have chosen to marry in January. It makes sense; venues are more likely to be cheaper during off seasons and more guests will be available without any vacations in the way.

The most popular day of the week to get married in the US is unsurprisingly Saturday. Evening weddings are also most common because who wants to dance with the sun out? If you're looking for an optimal time of day to fit your budget, booking the venue for a morning or afternoon slot will save you the most money since you won't have to worry about expensive dinners. Brunch weddings are also a great alternative because you can play up the theme with mimosas and breakfast items.

It's totally up to you based on what's more important: affordability or prime times!