Want to go to Paris with two Louisville food experts? Here's how to sign up

Dana McMahan and Alison Settle previously teamed up on a cooking demonstration, after shopping at Beechmont Farmer's Market.
Dana McMahan and Alison Settle previously teamed up on a cooking demonstration, after shopping at Beechmont Farmer's Market.

Can you picture yourself in Paris later this month?

If so, a pair of Louisville food experts have put together a dreamy trip, offering an alternative take on group traveling.

The food and writing adventure in Paris, set for Oct. 26 to Nov. 2, will be led by Dana McMahan, a food and travel writer, and Alison Settle, a James Beard-nominated chef.

“Dana and I have bonded over our love of travel and cooking,” Settle said. “We both have this obsession with Europe and the lifestyle there. We were both like, why don’t we combine our powers and forces?"

The pair have discussed hosting a tour for years, and within the past week, decided to go for it. Within 24 hours, McMahan and Settle created an itinerary, rented a large kitchen for cooking classes and launched signups for “Get Lost! In Paris with Alison & Dana.”

“Limited to 10 intrepid travelers, this week will feature hands-on cooking sessions, market provisioning, kitchenware shopping, and more adventures in food with Alison; and writing workshops with Dana,” reads the trip’s description.

On the choose-your-adventure style outing, people can “learn secrets of classic and contemporary French cuisine and/or how to connect with your inner writer.”

Dana McMahan and Alison Settle rented this kitchen space for their upcoming Paris trip, which is open to 10 guests.
Dana McMahan and Alison Settle rented this kitchen space for their upcoming Paris trip, which is open to 10 guests.

Over the last 20 years, McMahan, who is also a Courier Journal columnist, has traveled to Paris nearly every year and sometimes more than once per year. She calls the city her second home. And she wants to share her favorite findings with others.

“Paris is a magical place that makes you want to create, whether that’s with words or with ingredients or both,” McMahan said. “We want people to fall in love with Paris, fall in love with the way of life there and learn something about themselves. In my mind, there’s no better place for that than Paris.”

A few packages for this inaugural trip are available, ranging from $600 to $1,500, and the pair will have tips for booking airfare and hotels. To sign up, visit https://bit.ly/gogetlostinparis.

The cost includes daily apéro (happy hour) and three family meals in a kitchen home base, customized hotel and meal recommendations and a guide to “pinch-me-I’m-in-Paris, a zero-tourist-trap collection of places and experiences.”

“This is basically distilling my 20 years of going to Paris and being so in love with this city and putting it on a silver platter,” McMahan said. “I’m there to be your friend in Paris.”

“And to give them a non-touristy Parisian experience,” Settle added.

Along with possibly enjoying a champagne and oyster breakfast, McMahan said travelers will return with more than just special memories.

“They’re going to come home with actual skills that they will always remember they learned in Paris,” she said.

Following this pilot trip, she and Settle hope to lead other tours, possibly in other cities. They have another trip to Paris scheduled for April.

For more information, reach McMahan at travelingmcmahans@gmail.com.

Reach food and dining reporter Amanda Hancock at ahancock@courier-journal.com.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Two Louisville food experts offer a 'not-so-touristy' tour of Paris