I Want To Hear About A Time When You Fought Your Doctor To Receive Reproductive Healthcare

In the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, let's talk about how frustrating, demoralizing, and humiliating it is for people with uteruses to fight for access to reproductive healthcare.

Sirens Media / Giphy / Via media.giphy.com

This decision was a devastating attack on reproductive rights in the US, and it's far from the first.

It's no secret that women, other marginalized genders, and intersex people have to fight for reproductive healthcare in a biased medical system.

NBC / Giphy / Via media.giphy.com

People with uteruses have shared countless stories of doctors pushing back against patients asking for contraception and reproductive care — from hormonal birth control to procedures like sterilization and abortions.

Three years ago, I received a bilateral salpingectomy (aka I had my tubes removed). I was in my mid-20s, and I'd fought my doctors for the better part of a decade before I found an OB-GYN who would perform the surgery without hesitation or pushback.

The author's before and after photos from surgery

Gorgeous gorgeous girls tilt their heads 45 degrees after surgery.

Alice Lahoda

I was one of the lucky ones. Some people fight their doctors for decades to no avail because of the patronizing belief in medicine that people with uteruses don't know what's best for our own bodies.

PBS / Giphy / Via media.giphy.com

If you've been in a similar situation, we want to hear your story! Tell us about a time you requested reproductive care and received pushback from your doctor.

What reasons did they give? Did they eventually honor your request? How did it impact your health?

Share your story in the comments (or submit anonymously through this form) for a chance to have your story featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!