Wanna Surf the Waco Wavepool? Here’s What to Expect.

Waco Surf (née BSR Cable Park) is a darling of the wavepool world.

Everyone from pros to average joes to CEOs, springing for company retreats, have made their way to Texas, and dipped their toes into the pool and sampled the goods.

But what if you haven’t made it there yet? What if you’ve only seen the clips, drooling over the perfection, and slacking on finally booking that ticket to go surf it?

Well, Los Angeles-based surf filmmaker Brad Jacobson has you covered.

During a recent trip to Waco, Brad caught up with Brian Fillmore, the Director of Surf Operations at Waco Surf (the first employee they hired back in 2018).

Fillmore breaks down the three different waves on the menu:

“The beginner one is more spaced out, so people aren’t piling up on each other.

“Our intermeditate wave comes in sets of three. That one is really fun. It’s super rippable, and probably about waist to stomach high.

“Then there’s our advanced wave and that comes in sets of three or four. That one’s about neck to head high.

“We have other waves that are more pro waves. We have the air section, then a couple different barrel waves. The air section obviously ends in a closeout, so you can ramp up and launch off of it.

“Then the barrel waves are similar to a wedge style wave with a nice little chip in. Then you drop down to the bottom, draw a line, and get a nice little slab cover up.”

Shockingly, Fillmore hasn’t surfed in the ocean very much – “about as much as I can count on both hands.”

He’s a legit wavepool surfer.

The future is now.


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