Walrus Has the Most Beautiful Moment with His Caretaker While Celebrating His 7th Birthday

There's something so touching about an animal, especially one as massive as a walrus, showing affection to one of their caretakers. That's exactly what this amazing walrus does when his handler reachers her arms out to wish him a happy 7th birthday.

Marine biologist and TikTok user @K_passionate recently uploaded this sweet clip of her wishing this beautiful creature many happy returns.

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He's just a baby! We love his little tusk braces, which the video creator explains are because he is still growing.  Walrus tusks have metal crowns placed on them to prevent the tusks from becoming worn down and susceptible to bacterial infection.

TikTok users are adoring this amazing animal and @Ally comments, "Sobbing, wishing the happiest of birthdays to this handsome man." @Karissa adds, "He is a puppy dog so sweet." @Nunya says, "People really out here living my dreams. Happy Birthday Handsome Boy." @TikTokker says, "I forget walruses are real sometimes." That's such a true statement! Some animals, like walruses or elephants or sharks are just so magnificent they almost don't even look real!

A lot of users are reminded of the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie and @Chrissy says, "This makes me cry thinking about the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie- Teefs!!" @Ella adds, "So glad walruses are getting “good” representation in the media with Guardians of the Galaxy. What cool creatures."

The best comment comes from @Rhea who adds something we can all agree with, "I'm happy animals get the care they do from you. We need more animal care takers like you. They are safe."

Happiest of birthdays to this sweet walrus!

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