Walmart Is Launching Nerds-Flavored Candy Canes And We Already Want To Clear The Shelves

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

From Delish

Walmart has been coming through lately with a crazy assortment of sweets and treats to try for the holiday season. See: peppermint-flavored ice cream and York peppermint patty hot cocoa, to name just a few. But even if peppermint flavor isn't your jam, there's no way this particular treat won't be. And by "this particular treat," I mean Nerds-flavored candy canes.

These candy canes will be available in all sorts of fruity Nerds flavors. The flavors include Tropical Punch & Road Rash Strawberry, What-a-Melon & Oh So Very Cherry, Gotta-Have-Grape & Seriously Strawberry. There's almost too many to choose from, so you should probably just buy them all. Are you as overwhelmed with joy as I am!? Not to be dramatic, but I think this might be one of the most epic candy crossovers of all time.

We got to try them for ourselves before they make their in-store debut around November 1, and they most definitely have our approval. The whole team crushed the boxes in their entireties, and I even savored a Gotta-Have-Grape & Seriously Strawberry for a midday pick me up just the other day. It was perfect parts tangy, sweet, and sour.

During the season when everything is peppermint this or gingerbread that, Nerds candy canes really will be the perfect way to get in the holiday spirit for the person who isn't into the same old flavors. They will be available in Walmart for just $2.00, and we can't wait for you to get your hands on them, too.

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