Get Your Wallets Ready, You Can Get The Delish Delicacies Jewelry Collection For 20 Percent Off This Weekend

Photo credit: Delish
Photo credit: Delish

From Delish

There are many iconic chefs out there, but one household name that continues to inspire dishes and recipes is Julia Child. Julia's impact on the food space is far and wide and in honor of her birthday, Saturday, August 15, the Delish Delicacies jewelry line will be 20 percent off.

Last November, Delish dropped a line of food-inspired necklaces that come in seven different styles and are sterling silver or gold plated—whichever metallic finish you prefer. You can choose whatever word you feel describes yourself the most, whether that be "delish," "bitter," "sour," "sweet," "spicy," "umami," or, of course, "pizza."

Not only can you score 20 percent off the jewelry line on August 15, but you can also qualify for free shipping on orders of $85 or more. That means you can buy one for yourself and your bestie or, let's be real, two for yourself so you can switch it around depending on your mood. These are a great way to make a subtle statement about your love for food through a jewelry piece that matches anything and everything.

The promotion is exclusively available on August 15 in honor of Julia Child, and can be claimed on the Delicacies website. These pieces typically cost up to $70 depending on if they are gold or silver, so with the discount, you can score an item for as low as $56. What are you waiting for?! You have an online shopping cart to fill, people. You know you want to!

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