Wait, Did Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke Secretly Date in Real Life?!

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

As you're probably aware, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen recently started getting their incest on in Game of Thrones. Which is really gross yet somehow also really hot? And more than anything, it's a long time coming. Fans have been shipping Jon and his aunt (HELP) since season one-and like many on-screen romances, that thirst has manifested itself off-screen. Meaning that everyone's confident Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington have real chemistry.

To be clear, these two are not together. Kit is married to fellow Game of Thrones star Rose Leslie. And (we think) Emilia Clarke is newly single. Buuuut the internet is convinced there's evidence that they dated, or at least got very ~close~ to dating during Kit's brief breakup with Rose in 2014. So for those of you who are feeling especially parched, here's a handy timeline of Kit and Emilia's dating rumors. But first, I'm going to make everyone look at this gif of Jon Snow doing it with his aunt. You're welcome!

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

Early 2010

Kit and Emilia meet before filming Game of Thrones season one, and he's immediately blown away by how gorgeous and funny she is. Check out how he described that moment in Elle:

I remember vividly the first time I met Emilia, which was in the hotel bar in Belfast, before season one. I was sort of bowled over by this absolutely stunning, petite girl with this wicked sense of humor. We became very fast friends quite quickly.

Ahem. Emphasis on "FRIENDS." 👀

March 2012

Kit and Emilia take part in a hiiiiiighly romantic/slightly sus shoot for Rolling Stone:

But wait, it gets even better. The photographer Peggy Sirota shares an unseen photo from the shoot to her Instagram account a few years later featuring the pair K-I-S-S-I-N-G. "This moment was unforgettable," she captioned the photo. "It was a small crew on that day, just a few of us out in the field. The chemistry between these four was huge, as you can see...I asked them to kiss. I suppose love was in the air, and I was just lucky enough to be there."

August 27, 2012

Rumors that Kit is dating fellow GoT star Rose Leslie hit the internet, thanks to TMZ posting photos of them holding hands at a restaurant. You can't deny that their vibe is a song of hotness and fire (haha, sorry), right?

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

August 2013

Kit and Rose break up-at least according to E!.

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

March 2014

Emilia and Rose have a post-rumored-breakup friendship outing in NYC:

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

But then? Then April happens.

April 2014

Tabloids are even thirstier than usual and decide that Kit and Emilia are, to put it delicately, 100% horny for each other. The Daily Mail publishes a report that Emilia is being "pursued" by Kit, claiming he is "vying for her affections." Meanwhile, a "source" tells tabloid Star Magazine (lol, kay) that "Emilia has been telling friends they would make a cute couple," adding that she "is completely enamored by Kit. You can see that those two are on a collision course with romance." Wow, a collision course?!

These reports are obviously full of 🚮, but there's no denying that the rumor mill is officially CHURNING at this point. And get this: that same month, Vanity Fair does a GoT-themed shoot and this moment happens:

August 2015

The world realizes that Kit and Rose are back together thanks to a random fan taking a somewhat creepy photo of them getting cozy at the airport.

February 2016

The aforementioned Rolling Stone kiss-y pic hits Instagram, and fans spend the next several months losing their sh*t:

July 2017

Emilia is asked about the Kit rumors during an interview with Elle, and she responds by saying that "literally makes me want to cry, it's so far from the truth."

August 2017

Emilia and Kit make it clear that they're totally disgusted by their on-screen hook-up in a behind-the-scenes Game of Thrones interview. Here's the video:

And here's a helpful gif of their gag faces:

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

May 2018

During an interview, Kit makes it very clear that he and Emilia are just friends; he even manages to mention that Emilia and Rose are BFFs themselves. To quote: "If you've known someone for six years and they're best friends with your girlfriend, and you're best friends with them, there is something unnatural and strange about doing a love scene."

June 2018

Kit and Rose marry at the Kirkton of Rayne church in Scotland, and Emilia attends looking not at all like a person who's about to watch her ex say "I do."

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

April 2019

Emilia sits down with Variety and once again pushes the "just friends" narrative. "The first scene we had together, we both just started laughing," she said. "Why are you looking at me this strange way and saying these strange lines? You’re my friend!" She also confirmed that they used to fake vomit during their love scenes. Mmm-hmmmm.

Okay then! That brings us up-to-date on your Kit + Emilia fantasies, and now it's time to vote: Did they secretly date or nah?

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