A Waffle Maker Is The Secret To Using Up Leftover Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potato waffles
Mashed potato waffles - Nikilev/Shutterstock

Leftovers have their perks and pitfalls. Having a meal ready to go in the fridge makes dinnertime a whole lot easier, but eating the same dish on repeat can get a little stale. Most leftovers can be reimagined with a different side, some added veggies, or a whole new presentation. As far as creamy mashed potatoes go, what matters is how you bring them back to life. The secret is a kitchen gadget that likely hasn't been used since your last brunch extravaganza: the waffle maker.

As the name suggests, a waffle maker is commonly used for just that, but the appliance is essentially a panini press with a unique mold. An order of waffles at a diner will usually arrive piled high with butter, maple syrup, and maybe even some whipped cream on top. A sweet treat for breakfast is nothing to complain about, but waffles have a savory alter ego, and mashed potatoes bring it all together. With just 15 minutes or so, last night's boring old mashed potatoes can be reinvented as golden, delicious, waffles.

Read more: 17 Types Of Potatoes And When To Use Them

There's More To Waffle Makers Than Breakfast

Potato waffles with cherry tomatoes
Potato waffles with cherry tomatoes - Anastasia_Panait/Shutterstock

It's no secret that potatoes have a way of perfectly crisping up, whether it be in the form of french fries, hash browns, latkes, or any of the world's many potato preparations. Nothing compares to the creaminess of mashed potatoes, but morphing them into waffles offers the best of both worlds — crispy edges sizzled with the waffle iron and a soft, pillowy center.

Mashed potatoes can do wonders on their own, but when mixed with an egg and some flour, the mixture binds together and creates a potato cake of sorts. Flavors can be manipulated with bits of cheese, bold seasonings, or fresh herbs like parsley or dill, but the real magic happens in the waffle maker. Fried potato "pancakes" are nothing new, but potato waffles offer an elevated look and experience since the iron sculpts the mashed mixture into a fluffy yet crisp delight.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.