This Waffle House Hero Has Given Away More Than $13,000 To Strangers

Photo credit: Twitter/@KevinCate
Photo credit: Twitter/@KevinCate

Who says great things don't happen at Waffle House?

A Twitter user recently shared this heart-warming story after he noticed an older man at a Waffle House with an assortment of dollar bills on the table in front of him.

According to TV ad creator Kevin Cate, he met the gentleman at a Waffle House in Midway, Florida. Upon saying hello, Cate asked the man about the money he had scattered on the table. His answer was incredibly touching.

"He told me that since 2014, he’s been handing out $1s and $5s to strangers, here and elsewhere. So of course, I ask him about it," Cate shared on Twitter. "He said he’s given away more than $13,000 to strangers, kids, and people he meets at Waffle House (his favorite) and elsewhere. And they all come with that note you see in the picture. He copies and cut these out every few days. Obviously, I ask about the note."

The note, which reads "Love Every Body," is an ode to the last three words his mother said to him. And with those three words etched in his mind, he chose to do just that.

Cate's initial tweet has since received well over 60,000 likes and 10,000 retweets. As if the man's story wasn't inspiring enough, users on social media are now sharing stories of how they "Love Every Body."

"I was getting tires put on my car and while I was waiting talked a lady who had towed her car and was trying to get a used tire, but they didn’t have it. I bought her two new ones so she wouldn’t have to tow somewhere else. The shop put my tires on for free! It’s spreads!" Twitter user @Chris29405 shared.

Talk about paying it forward.

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