Here’s How to Vote by Mail (Because We Heard There’s Been Some *Confusion*)

Photo credit: tyler spangler
Photo credit: tyler spangler

From Cosmopolitan

This year, casting a ballot by mail is a pretty popular way to vote, largely due to COVID-19. But it can also be pretty confusing. Like, where exactly does one find a printer? Keep reading, we'll get to that, along with every other single thing you need to know about voting absentee.

Okay, so let’s get started…

1. Make sure you meet the requirements.

You are registered, right? All states offer mail-in voting, by the way, but sometimes only if you’ve got an excuse, like if you’re away at college, on military duty, or really sick. This year, many places are allowing absentee voting for anyone worried about COVID-19.

  • I’m not sure if my state is cool with it. Here are the places that *don’t* allow it just because you’re concerned about COVID-19: Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. If your state is on this list, hightail it to our IRL voting guide here.

2. Request your ballot.

A handful of states automatically mail them out, but most don’t, so if you need to ask for one: Do it entirely online if your state offers it on its election site. If not, go to, which will generate the request form you need to fill out. You’ll then have to print it (probably) and mail it (probably).

  • Ugh, but I don’t have a printer. You may not need one. Some states allow you to email your application back. If that’s not an option, before you hit up the library, use a site like Mailform, which prints and mails the documents for you. Just upload them and enter your address. It takes about 15 seconds (we tried it!). Worst case, you can always snag a hard copy of a ballot request form in person at your local election office.

  • Or a stamp. So, having to buy a few stamps isn’t that bad. You can do it from your bed, your couch, wherever, through the USPS online store.

  • Wait, I missed the deadline to request a ballot! First, see if you can still snag one in person at your local election office (that deadline is sometimes later). If not, ask them if there’s anything you can do. You might luck out: Many states are reporting record-high absentee requests this year, and to keep up with the volume, they’re extending deadlines.

3. Once you get it, make sure you read all the instructions on your ballot.

And no, you can’t rely on your out-of-state mom’s advice. The rules vary based on where you live. Some states call for a notary to verify it’s actually you signing it. Others require you to submit a photocopy of your ID.

  • A notary? Where the hell does one find a notary? Read the fine print, as sometimes a witness (e.g., your roommate) will suffice. If you do need a legit notary, search online for “mobile notary” to find one who makes house calls.

  • Where does one go to get a photocopy made? You can use Mailform for this too. Snap a pic of your ID, upload it, and they’ll get it to you overnight. There’s also the option of using an office supplies store, like Staples, which offers same-day document printing that you can pick up curbside.

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

4. Fill that thing out!

You’ve gone through all the requirements, studied up on the candidates and issues, and gotten your black ballpoint pen ready (that’s what you need to use), so go forth and cast your vote!

  • Shit, I already made a mistake. Marked the wrong candidate? Spilled coffee all over the place? Contact your local election office and they’ll help you get a new one. The same rules apply if you lose it. Also: Make sure your signature matches what’s on file from when you registered. If you already sent it back, call up—you guessed it—your election office; 20 states will allow you to “cure,” or fix, your signature.

5. Aaand mail it back.

Just triple-check that you sign and date in every place it asks you to, including the envelope (!!). Oh, and if you live with someone also voting absentee, don’t share envelopes. Putting your ballot with someone else’s will result in both of your votes being disqualified.

  • So…I didn’t sign the envelope. It’s a little tricky, but you may be able to fix this. Some states offer a ballot cure affidavit that addresses missing signatures. You’ll definitely need to call and talk to somebody at the county election office about this, though, as it varies county by county.

  • I’m worried my ballot got lost. Many states offer a tracking service so that registered voters can follow their ballot’s path. links to participating states’ websites.

  • Oh, great, I missed another deadline. Actually, some states allow you to mail your ballot up until November 3. And most states permit you to hand-deliver your absentee ballot in person on Election Day. You’ll just need to check where you should drop it off, as it’s typically a county election office and not your usual polling place.

  • I’m having second thoughts. If you’re suddenly wishing you could talk to a poll worker or just feeling generally overwhelmed by the whole doing-it-by-mail thing, you’re totally allowed to change your mind as long as you haven’t already sent in your ballot. On Election Day, go ahead and hit the polls—just bring your blank absentee ballot with you so you can turn it into election staff, which makes it clear you’re not trying to vote twice.

Not great at deadlines?

Set up a free account at TurboVote so you’re reminded of exactly what you need to do and when. Or just follow us on Instagram, where we’ll be cheerily spamming you with updates all season, lol!

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