Vocal English Bulldog Begging for Attention Is Cracking People Up

Most pets are used to getting attention when they want it, and if you don't give it to them when they demand it, they'll let you know that they're feeling neglected. TikToker khalideliaandbelli shared a video at the beginning of May of one of her English Bulldogs begging for her attention, and it's beyond cute.

The video starts with Khali recording her fur baby lying on the couch. The dog is clearly upset by mom's lack of attention and uses her voice to complain about it. Make sure your sound is on as she begs for mom to give her some love. At one point it even sounds like she's saying "please"!

I have a feeling that this adorable English Bulldog isn't used to not getting her way! I laughed at @Khali's caption, "Aye. Yai. Yai." and can almost see the dog mom rolling her eyes at her dramatic pooch. She's really cute and I bet she ended up getting what she wanted!

Related: Hungry English Bulldog Puppy Yelling at Mom for Lunch Is the Cutest Thing on the Internet

More About English Bulldogs

I think what cracked me up about this video is that English bulldogs aren't known to be very vocal. They don't normally bark a lot, making them great dogs if you live in an apartment or where noise is a concern. Most dogs do whine when they're trying to communicate what they want or need, but Khali's dog takes it to the next level!

Your Purebred Puppy also reminds us that English bulldogs may not be barkers, but that doesn't mean that they are quiet, "Because of their deformed face, they go through life snorting, snuffling, wheezing, grunting, and snoring loudly. Some people find these sounds nerve-wracking; others find them endearing" If you've ever heard an English bulldog snore, you know how loud it can be!

English bulldogs are adorable, but there are a few other things you should know about them if you're considering bringing one home to make part of your family. Most people don't realize how messy these dogs can be. They're known to be big droolers and also slobber a lot, especially after eating and drinking. And speaking of eating, short-faced breeds like this one gulp air when they eat, and that air has to go somewhere. That air has to be released somehow, which is a nice way of saying that this breed is known for their flatulence. Your Purebred Puppy advises, "Bulldogs who are fed a heavily meat-based diet have much less trouble with gassiness."

Another fact that many people don't know about this breed is that they shed way more than you might think, and beware, "Their short, coarse hairs stick tenaciously to your clothing and furnishings."

Make sure to do your research before deciding on a new pet. As you can see here sometimes the cons might outweigh the pros to owning a particular breed.

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