Vizsla’s Protective Reaction to Stopping Mom From Burping Child Is So Sweet

Dogs are very protective of their families. They'll keep watch on the front door to make sure no intruders come in or they'll bark at other dogs while on a walk. And what we've noticed from countless videos is that dogs are especially protective of the little ones in the family.

A perfect example of this comes from TikTok user @waitinformyruca. She posted a clip at the beginning of August of her burping her child. That apparently didn't sit well with her Vizsla. Take a look!

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O.M.G. Hate to break it to this TikToker, but that baby is now her Vizsla's baby. LOL! This dog named Lola was doing everything in her power to make sure the baby was safe. Talk about a good sister alert!

We've seen similar interactions with dogs intervening when their owners hug each other. But why do dogs get protective when owners get intimate? Many tend to believe it is due to jealousy, but that isn't necessarily the case. In the dog world, hugging and kissing do not exist so our fur babies might have a hard time understanding what's going on when you hug someone. This leads to them intervening because in their mind they believe they're de-escalating a conflict. In this video, the Vizsla might've thought she was stopping a fight. Plus, she was being protective of the baby.

Other reasons why a dog might intervene are a little more straightforward. They're seeking attention, are curious, or simply have a protective and anxious nature. Addressing this problem can be done with a few different methods. You can try differential reinforcement or counter-conditioning, depending on your specific situation. Either method will take time and patience so don't rush the training process.

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