Visitors to Panama City Beach Save Sea Turtle Stuck in Net

Visitors to Panama City Beach Save Sea Turtle Stuck in Net

A group of everyday people pitched in to save a sea turtle trapped in a net this past weekend, and we're happy to see that this precious creature was returned to its ocean habitat.

The Panama City News Herald shared a video of the rescue, submitted by Wade Lomax, a visitor from Tennessee. The turtle was found by the Splash Resort in Panama City Beach. As the turtle struggles to free itself from the net, a group of concerned bystanders come to its aid to remove the net and return it to the ocean. As one of the helpers carries the turtle back to the water, you can hear one youngster shout "bye turtle!" as the turtle paddles off into the sea. Watch the video clip below.

If you encounter a stranded sea turtle in Florida, the Panama City New Herald advises calling the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's FWC Wildlife Alert hotline at 1-888-404-3922, where someone can counsel you on what to do.

WATCH: Watch This Baby Sea Turtle Make Its Way To The Ocean

We're so happy this group of kind individuals were able to pitch in and save this sea turtle. Remember, to save these special animals, they depend on us humans to keep our oceans clean. Reduce your plastic use, don't litter at the beach, and do your best to pick up any trash you may see on your next beach outing. Your sea turtle friends will thank you.