Virtual Dog Training Is Here to Help Your Pup Through Quarantine

Photo credit: Niyaz_Tavkaev - Getty Images
Photo credit: Niyaz_Tavkaev - Getty Images

From Woman's Day

With more people working from and staying in their homes due to Coronavirus-related restrictions, the country has seen a major jump in dog adoptions. According to CNBC, major cities like New York and L.A. saw three times the usual amount of dog adoptions between February and March. Washington D.C. also saw a jump, with some adoption centers getting as many as 300 applications over the course of just four days. As a result, virtual dog training sessions are in high demand for new owners who want to set boundaries for their new pup, but can't make the trip due to COVID-19 restrictions.

But it isn't just first time owners who would benefit fro virtual dog training. Some dogs may be going through a regression due to recent changes, like having their owner home 24/7 or not being able to run around their favorite park. And virtual dog training services provide variety of options to help dog owners with any and all behavioral issues.

Photo credit: Sally Anscombe - Getty Images
Photo credit: Sally Anscombe - Getty Images

What is Virtual Dog Training?

Instead of a dog trainer coming to your house or you taking your pup to the trainer, many dog training services are offering virtual one-on-one sessions.

With the help of a a qualified dog expert, owners can learn how to better communicate with their dogs and what tools can be used to to render obedience, Carl Peterson, CEO of Bark Buster, a leading training service that made the switch to virtual training in late March, told Woman's Day. Although owners may be hesitant to put money towards training right now, Peterson says it's necessary.

“It's especially important to make sure new pet owners are training their dogs, even in these unusual conditions because it eases the adjustment to a new home for the dog,” Peterson told Woman’s Day.

How can you find the best virtual dog training for you?

First, ask around, especially if you have friends or family that are veteran dog owners. You might be able to find the perfect virtual service through their recommendations. If not, Bark Buster, as well as sites like Dog Parenting 101, The Bark, Blue Dog Pet Care, and Awesome Paws Agility Academy are offering online individual sessions and/or classes, some of which are little to no cost. And if these sites aren't exactly what you're looking for, there is always Google to help you find your match.

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