Viral Video Proves People Can't Spell the Word "Pregnant"

Surprised woman
Surprised woman



That's how you spell the word "pregnant." But according to the people of the Internet, the word has seemingly infinite alternative spellings.

Viral Thread shared a video compilation of pregnancy-related questions people have posed to the online world and it is hilarious. The questions range from simple (of the "am I pregnant?" variety) to slightly wacky (one person wonders if stretch marks on a woman indicate that she's been pregnant before, for example)—but they all have one thing in common: The word "pregnant" is spelled incorrectly in all of them.

The video is spreading like wildfire, with followers of Viral Thread's Facebook page pointing one very important thing about the video: It's much, much funnier if you watch with the sound turned up—the narrator's delivery of these questions really makes the whole thing.

Go ahead and press play:

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