This viral TikTok hack claims to prevent hangovers - and make alcohol taste better

tiktok hack claims to prevent hangovers
Viral TikTok hack claims to prevent hangovers Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury - Getty Images

If you've ever found yourself on the sofa at 5pm on a Sunday, watching reruns of Four in a Bed with last night's makeup still clinging on to your face, then you're not alone. Many of us will have suffered a hangover in our time, some certainly worse than others. It's no wonder then that promises of a hangover cure attract our attention...

But it seems that the secret to curing a hangover needn't be such a mystery. In fact, according to one TikTok hack currently making the rounds, all you need is a Brita filter. Yep, that thing your parents use to filter tap water into ~tap~ water.

The hack, which involves filtering your liquor of choice before drinking it, claims to prevent a hangover and, simultaneously, make your drink "taste better".

"Yes, using a Brita filter is actually going to make liquor taste better. It's also going to reduce your potential for hangovers," said Dr Chris, a pharmacist who goes by the TikTok name, @drchrispharmd.

As for how the hack works, in the comments section the expert added: "Filtering removes congeners (additives) that can make hangovers worse". But, he points out the hack does not reduce the percentage of alcohol, so you can still get drunk and should therefore drink responsibly.

TikTokers were quick to praise the expert for confirming that the hack could help to ease their hangover symptoms. "Whoa I can’t even drink one drink without being sick the next day. Def have to try this!" one user commented under Dr Chris' video. "Not all heroes wear capes, some have lab coats," another person replied.

As well as using a Brita filter (if you've got one), Dr Chris recommends staying hydrated – with water, not more vodka! – and adding in electrolytes where possible.

According to the NHS, other ways to avoid a hangover include:

  • Not drinking more than you know your body can cope with

  • Not drinking on an empty stomach

  • Not drinking dark coloured drinks if you've found you're sensitive to them

  • Drinking plenty of water or non-fizzy soft drinks in between each alcoholic drink

  • Drinking a pint or so of water before you go to sleep

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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